The Peace Project

Community Center

Bantayan Island, Philippines

Commissioned by The Peace Project in Culver City, Ca; this project consisted of a community center to serve the members of the core shelter project. This community center would serve as an emergency safe house during future typhoons. It also provided secure storage for a rice cooperative, access to a sanitary latrine, and access to communal electricity. After the completion of the core shelter project; the remaining building materials were quantified and stored in a nearby ‘chapel’ building. Limited to these remaining building materials, the community center was designed to provide a shaded, open, ventilated space that could easily be closed and secured in an emergency. The design consisted of large doors, moving screens, and wood slat walls and floors that allowed the building to ‘breathe’ and be ventilated at all times. The building was completed by community members over a six week period. On time, and on budget.