

Multiple Locations, Colombia

As a follow-up to the Sierra Leone project, the Colombia project focused on providing framing systems for humanitarian development that were able to be fabricated in-country…and in any country. A simple frame was designed using industry standard computer programs and fabrication techniques that are available in over100 countries around the world. The light-gauge steel frame design could be emailed to a local steel manufacturer, where it could be fabricated in a matter of hours. 1,000 square feet of frame could fit in the back of a civilian pickup truck for delivery to site. The frame arrives precut and predrilled, with a detailed set of assembly instructions. The simplicity of the design allowed all members of the community to assist with construction. The open layout of the frame allowed the end-user to customize the door/window locations and wall materials. The system is simple, customizable, 100% local, and fully scalable to other countries.

Using this system, we were able to build multiple frames that supported the development of sustainable farming communities all over rural Colombia. The sustainable farms offered a legal alternative to illicit drug production, and served as a rehabilitation vehicle for reformed members of the FARC militia group.